Friday, April 10, 2009

I had my check-up today. My gynae is a sweet and talkative guy. He is a nice gynae, although, I can sense that he's trying his best to convince me to go for a C-section birth. You do the math, averagely 6-8 hours versus 45 minutes, of course Ceasearean delivery saves a lot of every gynae's time. If I decided to take epidural, it will cost RM 1K extra apart from the other usual charges. Ouch! I have to start my visualization process of having an easy delivery from now on. If there's one thing I learn from reading 'The Secret' is 'powerful visualization does help'...Visualize, visualize, visualize.....

1 comment:

  1. told ya to research about natural childbirth processes from day one. moral is - listen to the One Who Knows!!! :p
